I am trying to put Eleanor down just a little earlier for bed now and taking just a few minutes for myself at the end of the day. Hopefully this will stick.
I wanted to share with you though a small testimony that has been on my heart for the last few weeks.
A few weeks ago, my pastor preached about "The five most important words in the Bible". I was so curious as to what he thinks are the bibles most important words. He finally shared the answer to the questions that I was asking in my head.. "Then the devil leaveth him." He talked about the many men and women in the bible that were devil possessed and that when they were prayed for, the devil left them. The devil couldn't harm them or hurt them anymore.
He shared a story with the church about his family many years ago. He, his wife and young daughter were staying in the back of a church where they pastored. He said that one night the presence of the devil was so strong that everyone could feel it. He said his wife could feel it, he could feel it and even though his daughter was a year old, she could feel it. He said that their young girl started crying. She cried and screamed and it seemed like nothing they did would stop her. She would scream for hours.
This really hit a note with me. It seemed like he told this story just for me. You see, for the three nights leading up to that service, Eleanor had the worst time sleeping. She would go down to bed for 20 minutes, then wake up in a scream of terror. She screamed like someone (or something) was hurting or frightening her. Nothing that John or I would do would calm her down. She literally screamed for 3 or 4 hours straight. She refused to nurse, take a bottle, be rocked, or played with. At first we thought it was her teething. We gave her teething tablets. Nope. We gave her Tylenol. Nada. We took her Pajamas off, thinking she had a hair or a string that was hurting her. No thanks.
I prayed and cried over her every night for three nights. Then Sunday came and he told that story. I was convinced then, that there was something that was keeping Eleanor from her sleepy time. That evening, I had a prayer cloth anointed for her (Ended up being a dirty burp cloth, Eh..). I had multiple people pray over it, that there would be peace in her room and that the evil spirits that were scaring her would leave.
Then bedtime came again. I prayed one last time. The night wasn't a perfect night. She did wake up, but she was not nearly as bad as she was before. Then Monday nights bedtime came. She was even better. Each night from then on got just a little bit better. She sleeps now fairly well. She gets up to eat once in a while, but now I can at least sleep for a few hours, knowing that God is protecting my little pickle from all those evil spirits. I have now gotten into the habit of adding a few prayers into her nightly prayers.
"God, send your angels to protect Eleanor tonight. I pray a hedge of protection around her. Keep her safe from everything around her. Give her peace of mind. Let her know that she is safe and that YOU are watching over her. Let her know that she is safe to sleep in peace and to wake up happy. No evil can enter into this house. No evil can enter in this room, for YOU are here. We are not afraid of the devil, for he cannot come near us when You protect us, God. You are the almighty God. I thank for for all the blessings you've given us. In Jesus Name, Amen."
Those fishy lips though! AH!
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