Monday, February 23, 2015

DIY Triangle Quilt

Now that the gift has been given, I can share!!

Last month, my sister and I got an invite to a baby shower for a sweet couple at my church. My sister told me she wanted to try a quilt pattern that she found on one of the blogs she follows. And she thought that the baby would LOVE a quilt. After we found out the colors of the nursery we set to work.

"It'll be simple" she said. "We can knock this out in about a day", she said. "it'll be a good project", she said. Well, it was a good project, and it turned out okay in the end, but it was not best project for two beginners who have never made a quilt before.

It took one trip to Joanne's, a few hours cutting out over 120 triangles, an entire day of sewing triangles together, and another entire day putting the rest of the quilt together. But for doing this with three kiddos running around (two of my sister's little ones, and my little pickle), we knocked it out in pretty good time.

HOWEVER, for two people who have never made a quilt before, I would say that we did a pretty bang up job.

We followed this tutorial, from the beautifully wonderful blog See Kate Sew. The tutorial was great! Here is our finished product.

That was my little helper. Eleanor helped me sew quite a few triangles together. She's quite the junior Sewer.

Happy Sewing, everyone!

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