She measured 9 lbs 9 oz. She is in the 20th percentile for girls her age.
She measured 22 inches long. She grew two whole inches in 2 months! She sure is growing like a weed. That puts her in the 66th percentile for height in girls her age. She is one tall, slender girl!
Her head circumference was 14.76 inches, which puts her in the 18th percentile. Good thing she doesn't have a huge head. But she DOES have beautiful blue eyes. =)
The sad part came at the end of the visit when she got two shots. Other moms have told me before that it made them cry. I thought I would be prepared for this. Clearly, I wasn't. I cried right along with her. It was heartbreaking, seeing my little girl so sad and upset. But good thing it didn't last long. After she was all done, I scooped her right up and snuggled her until she calmed down. Good thing it did not take a long time to do so.
After her appointment, I decided that we both needed some retail therapy. We decided to go to the new Hobby Lobby in Virginia Beach. It was a group decision, don't worry. =) She was happy because I put her in our new Ergo Baby Carrier so she was happy to snuggle with Mama while we shopped.
While checking out the greatest craft store on earth, AKA Hobby Lobby, I picked up some goodies for some new DIY projects I have been meaning to do. Today's project is all about Eleanor.
I got this super cute board from HL back in May at the Pensacola, Fl. location. It was on Super Sale. Originally $14, I got mine for about $3. SCORE! But its been sitting all plain on Eleanor's Nursery since we got it hung, back in July. Its purpose was supposed to hold E's birth details when she arrived. And it only took 2 months, but I finally got around to putting them on the board, and I couldn't be happier!
I started with all of these supplies:
Sticky Board for the Cricut
Cartridge of your choice that has the alphabet
Vinyl of your choice (the sticky stuff that makes stickers)
sample paper (so you can see how big you want your letters. Its best to test with paper and use the Vinyl once. It can get pricey)
This took me only about 30 minutes to cut and place on my board. I am pretty happy wit the way it turned out. It's not perfect, by far, but I like it.
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