Friday I had my six week postpartum doctors appt. I decided that in order to cut down the times that E spends in doctors offices, I should probably have someone watch her. My sister ever so willingly volunteered. It worked out because she lives only 10 minutes from the Dr. Office.
This was the first time that I ever left Eleanor. I was so anxious about leaving my precious little angel. Not that I didn't trust my sister... She has two kids and they are still alive... LOL I just did not want to leave Eleanor quite yet. But I did, and I am proud of myself. There may or may not have been tears shed by both Eleanor and I at some point, but it got better.
After my appt. I hung out with my sister at her house, for a bit. It was so nice spending time with my one and only sissy. She helped me get the last few things together for my blog, because she is a blogger too! You can check her blog out here. =)
Saturday was quite a busy day for us Payne's. We took a family trip to Lowes to get some things for our latest DIY project, tutorial to come later. We also had lots of cleaning to do around the homestead. This is due to the fact that we have a newborn. And mommy can't always keep the house in tip top shape all the time, because, you know, I'm human and I need naps.
Saturday afternoon, our new couch was delivered! This was so exciting for us. The couch we had was a piece of junk that we bought for pretty cheap off craigslist when we got married. This is the first (new) major purchase that we made for our home. We searched high and low for the perfect couch and finally found it. We bought it before E was even born and waited 7 whole weeks for it to actually get to us! P.S. I do not reccomend going couch shopping while extremely pregnant. All the couch-ploppin you do at the funiture store gets super old after about 5 test plops.
Now on to Sunday. Church day! My favorite time. I dressed E in a dress made exclusively for her by Nana. Eleanor's cousin, Sophia, has one just like it too. Aren't they the cutest?!
After church I made a trip to Joann's fabric. I got a few things for another DIY project. I am so excited to share later this week about a baby wrap I am making. YAY! I do love going to the fabric store, but E does not. It seems like every time I go into that store, she knows. She knows, and she throws down. Full on screaming. The ladies at Joann's have gotten to know me because I am now the nice lady who comes in with the cutest, screaming baby there is.
so, that's pretty much it for my weekend. Well, the highlights at least. Tell me how yours was in the comments!
Haha, isn't it funny how babies just "know" that you're in someplace they hate? My kids are the same.