Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DIY oversized headboard

Its Tutorial Tuesday!
Today I am going to share with you the headboard that Hubby and I made. I saw the idea on Pinterest a LONG time ago and have been waiting over a year to try it. I must warn you, this is my first tutorial, so if this is not quite clear, or the pictures aren't the best, I'm sorry. I will get better, I promise! Now that we are done with the introduction, lets begin!

We wanted the headboard to fit our queen size bed, so it measured 60 inches. We just decided to make it square, so we went with 60X60.
Here's what you need for the headboard:
4 pieces of wood (ours was 96 Inches long, by 2.5 inches wide, by .75 inches thick. Two pieces are cut at 60 inches and two cut at 55 inches.
Staple Gun
Staple Gun staples
Nails (if you want to give the frame a little bit of extra stability)
Hammer (to get those nails, nailed in)
Huge piece of fabric (We are using a super cute, old shower curtain)
Tape measure for your measurements
Level (to make sure you hang the headboard level)
Nails or Screws (depending on how you want to hang it)
Drill bit (whatever that is)
Wall anchors
Picture hangers
Here are most of the supplies. I forgot a few in the picture. Whoopsies!

We started our project out at Lowes. We got the pieces of wood that we needed, cut. Two of them at 60 inches and two of them at 55 inches, so that it would really be square when we put it together. 

When we got home, we simply made our square and stapled away! We figured that since the wood was thin, that we would just staple the pieces together instead of nailing them. Plus J wanted to play with his new toy! 

With the extra pieces of wood that we had leftover, we made support beams in the center. We just cut them to fit, so there aren't any real measurements there.

Here is what the wood frame looks like all put together.

Next, we fit the batting to the frame. The batting I bought was really thin, so we doubled it up and cut to size.  You can see here what the batting looked like after it was cut and stapled to the frame.

Here is my hubby, stapling away! Isn't he the greatest?

Next it is time to put the curtain, or your choice of material, on the frame. Just remember that your material has to be large enough to fit the frame with at least 5 inches on each size to fold over and staple to the back of the frame.
Make sure you CAREFULLY flip your frame with the batting over. The batting should be closer to the ground. And also, make sure you have your fabric positioned carefully. The up-side of the fabric should also be facing the ground.

Chose the side you want to start with and staple the first corner. Measure the distance from the edge of the fabric to the edge of the frame.  Take the same amount of fabric on the opposite corner and staple.  Repeat this step with the middle of the fabric. Next go to the opposite side of the frame and pull the fabric tight and staple the edges and the middle of the fabric to the frame.

We had the cutest little audience while doing our project! Charlie was so interested in what we were doing. But of course, he could not part with his ball!

Next is the corners. Fold those suckers like you are wrapping a Christmas present. Make sure you staple the corners well.

Now, when its done, your front corners should look like this:

Now you are ready to staple along the sides of the frame. Go ahead and get staple happy, my hubby sure did! Make sure to pull the fabric tight. Tighter than the late Joan Rivers face. LOL Too soon?

Here it is, all done!!! 

To hang the headboard, we used standard picture holders (the ones with teeth). On the back of the headboard measure 11 inches from the side and 1.5 inches down from the top and mark the fabric (do the same to both sides).  The picture hanger on the left side is placed with the left side touching the mark on the fabric.  The hanger on the right side has the right side touching the mark on the fabric.  Here is a picture of the left hanger.

Then we decided to move the party to the bedroom...... not in that way you nasties! We took our headboard up to the bedroom to see where it would hang. While hubby held the headboard up on the wall I told him how high or low I wanted it. Once the location was decided, we placed the level on top to make sure it was level. Then I marked on the wall, the top (left and right) edges with a pencil. Once the edges were marked, we measured from the edge of the frame to the middle tooth on the hanger and marked that on the wall so we would know where to place our nail to hang the headboard. We repeated this process on the opposite side and then hung the headboard on the wall.

Hubby decided to put wall anchors in the wall, to ensure that nothing slipped out of place. And since its going above our bed, better to be safe than sorry.

Once that was done, we just slapped that sucker on the wall, and all done! The project really wasn't that hard, and only took a few hours to put together. Here is our finished product. =)
Our project isn't the best, but its our own! The pictures aren't the best either. Our living room was a wreck too, so I'll apologize for that. Sorry! I'm soooo not perfect. LOL

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eleanor's Birth Story

Today I want to share with you the story of the birth of my beautiful daughter Eleanor Reece on August 7, 2014. The past few weeks of being a mother have been a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions but I would not change any of this for the world. I must warn you of two things. One, this story will be long. Two, this story is the story of me giving birth, so if you can't handle it, just go ahead and stop reading. You can wait until the next post, which will be less awkward. Okay, Are you ready?? Here we go! 

To start the story of her birth, I must start with the day before she was born which was August 6th. Hubby and I went for my 38 week check up. As we were on the way, we discussed the hopes that progress had been made in the last week, because I had been doing a substantial amount of walking and "other activities" wink wink. We talked about how excited we were to have our little girl here with us. We got to the doctors office and did the business as usual. Then the midwife came in she told me she was going to "check me". While she was checking out my lady bits (which by the way I was 4cm already. WOWSA!), she decided to do some other things. These "things" she did said that they would make me go into labor within 1-3 days. The excitement that I had at that moment was like no other. I was so ready to have my baby here with me and not be pregnant anymore. 

We left the doctor's office and immediately called our family to update them  on my progress. My parents were in Florida, so I told them to start making plans to come to VA. My parents said they would start packing (ppsshh, my mom was already packed for weeks by that time), and get a rental car to head our way soon. We then went about our business, doing some yard work for my MIL. It was more like my hubby did yard work and I sat on the porch with lemonade and watched. My MIL brought us some Chick-Fil-A for dinner. It was Delish! It also happened to be my last meal before baby came. 

That night we went home and decided that we should make sure we had everything we needed for the hospital. I unpacked my hospital bag, laid everything on the bed and repacked it, just to make sure everything was in order. We brought everything downstairs and by the door so that we could load up at a moments notice. Then, finally, we went to bed. I only slept for about an hour before I woke up with contractions. I made sure I was having regular contractions before I woke John up. He did the right thing and started to time them. After about 45 minutes of them being 4-5 minutes apart, I called the doctor and told her I was coming in, which was about 12:45AM or so. 

Let me stop right there and share with everyone that going into labor does not happen like it does in the movies or commercials. It also takes a lot longer to get dressed and ready when you are in labor. I thought that it would take me about 15 minutes to get dressed and ready. Wrong. Having to stop for a contraction every few minutes really adds up. So instead of being ready to go in about 15 minutes, it took me about 45 minutes to get everything ready and out the door. 

Our ride to the hospital was uneventful, with the exception of Charlie being with us. Poor charlie knew something was up, and looked at me VERY concerned the whole way there. Since we knew this was "it", we took our dog with us and my MIL would meet us at the hospital to take him to her house. 

We got to the hospital about 2:15, but by the time we actually got to the womens center it was about 2:30 because I INSISTED on walking in myself. I did not want to be carted around the hospital in a wheelchair because, you know, pride. I have no idea why I did this. 

Finally, we arrived at the women's center and got all of our paperwork in order, only to find out there were no rooms! I felt like the Virgin Mary on Christmas night. No room in the Inn. We spent a little over an hour in a waiting room, waiting. All the while my contractions are becoming more intense and closer together. It seemed like every 3 minutes I was asking John to go see if they were ready yet. 

I wasn't until about 3:45, when the nice nurse came for me, saying that they were ready for me. We got to the room and I finally got to put on that ever so attractive hospital gown. I looked smashing. 

The nurse asked if we wanted to take bets on how many centimeters dilated I was. I wasn't amused so I didn't guess. Hubby guessed 6, I believe. Before she could even check me, another contraction hit, and lo and behold, my water broke. Boy, was that awkward. When she finally checked me, she said I was 9cm and ready to go! Honestly, I couldnt believe that I progressed this far without any drugs. 

My nurse said that the doctor was on the way, and asked me if I wanted the epidural. In the middle of my thought, my first contraction post "water breaking" hit. WOW. It was about 5342 times more intense than what it was before. I succumbed and said "yes". "give me the juice." She nodded and said she just needed to wait on the labs to come back. Apparently, the people running labs that morning were too wrapped up in a Netflix marathon to run my labs because they never came back. 

With each passing contraction I was losing hope in the fact that I would get the juice. I looked at John and asked him to pray for me. we shared a quick prayer and finally, I made peace that I would never be able to get an epidural because I knew she was coming too fast. However my doctor wasn't. I felt, and fought, the urge to push for 45 minutes before the doctor showed up. 

Then, to my relief, the doctor decides to make her appearance. I didn't even pay attention to the directions she was giving me on how to push. I just put my legs up and went for it. I only had to give about 5 good pushes, or about 10 minutes worth of pushing before my sweet girl was finally here. At 5:32 AM. It was the most rewarding feeling, knowing I did it. I delivered a baby into this world. I could hear my husband saying "Shes here, baby! She's here! You did it baby! You did so good!" My first words were thanking God that I my delivery was over and thanking God that she was here safe and sound.  

I have to say, out of all of my accomplishments in life, tending to multiple infants at a time at the daycare, graduating college, getting a licence to teach, teach students with disabilities, I knew this was my greatest accomplishment. Bringing another life into the world with-out the help of any drugs what so ever, was the greatest thing that I have ever done, and it will be the greatest thing that I ever do in my lifetime. Anyways, back to the story. 

The nurses immediately took her, made sure her lungs were in proper working order, weighed her and gave her straight to me. Holding Eleanor in my hands for the first time was so crazy. I waited 9 months to see the face of the baby that I created. I had no idea what she would look like. But she was BEAUTIFUL. She IS beautiful. I immediately Thanked God that she was in my arms and healthy. From that moment, we went from being John and Melissa, party of two, to John, Melissa and Eleanor, party of three. 

Here is our beautiful little family =)
Photo by: Alicia Austin

I leave you with this verse. We used this verse to announce our pregnancy with Eleanor. 
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. I Samuel 1:27

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tales from the weekend

Good day, everyone! Lets talk about the weekend! Shall we start with Friday? Okay.

Friday I had my six week postpartum doctors appt. I decided that in order to cut down the times that E spends in doctors offices, I should probably have someone watch her. My sister ever so willingly volunteered. It worked out because she lives only 10 minutes from the Dr. Office. 

This was the first time that I ever left Eleanor. I was so anxious about leaving my precious little angel. Not that I didn't trust my sister... She has two kids and they are still alive... LOL I just did not want to leave Eleanor quite yet. But I did, and I am proud of myself. There may or may not have been tears shed by both Eleanor and I at some point, but it got better. 

After my appt. I hung out with my sister at her house, for a bit. It was so nice spending time with my one and only sissy. She helped me get the last few things together for my blog, because she is a blogger too! You can check her blog out here. =)

Saturday was quite a busy day for us Payne's. We took a family trip to Lowes to get some things for our latest DIY project, tutorial to come later. We also had lots of cleaning to do around the homestead. This is due to the fact that we have a newborn.  And mommy can't always keep the house in tip top shape all the time, because, you know, I'm human and I need naps. 

Saturday afternoon, our new couch was delivered! This was so exciting for us. The couch we had was a piece of junk that we bought for pretty cheap off craigslist when we got married. This is the first (new) major purchase that we made for our home. We searched high and low for the perfect couch and finally found it. We bought it before E was even born and waited 7 whole weeks for it to actually get to us! P.S. I do not reccomend going couch shopping while extremely pregnant. All the couch-ploppin you do at the funiture store gets super old after about 5 test plops. 

Now on to Sunday. Church day! My favorite time. I dressed E in a dress made exclusively for her by Nana. Eleanor's cousin, Sophia, has one just like it too. Aren't they the cutest?!

After church I made a trip to Joann's fabric. I got a few things for another DIY project. I am so excited to share later this week about a baby wrap I am making. YAY! I do love going to the fabric store, but E does not. It seems like every time I go into that store, she knows. She knows, and she throws down. Full on screaming. The ladies at Joann's have gotten to know me because I am now the nice lady who comes in with the cutest, screaming baby there is. 

so, that's pretty much it for my weekend. Well, the highlights at least. Tell me how yours was in the comments! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014


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Let me Introduce Myself =)

Hello everyone! My name is Melissa. I am new to this whole blogging scene. Let’s start with a little bit about myself. 
First and foremost, I am an apostolic Pentecostal. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, rose again in three days, and is coming again for His people. I believe that if we repent, are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost, that you can live in his kingdom for all eternity. I believe that His mercy and grace is sufficient for me. I believe that His love lifted me. Which is what I decided to name this here nifty little blog. 

So now that I have my beliefs worked out, let me tell you about my Fam. I have a pretty hunky husband. He is in the US Navy, which would make me a Navy Wife. Anchors Aweigh! His name is John. We met down in Pensacola, Fl. I can tell you all about our little love story later. We have been married for three wonderful years. I could not imagine what I would have done if God hadn't brought John in my life when He did. 
Here we are! We Tied the Knot on 09-10-2011 at 12:00 Noon. I love numbers! 
Photo Credit: Luker Smith Photography

Shortly after we were married, we acquired a beautiful little puppy. We went to a rescue one day for funsies to look at the dogs. We ended up going home with the cutest little puppy. We took him to meet my mom, and she unintentionally named him Charlie Brown. He is a dachshund, Catahoula mix. What is a Catahoula you ask? It’s a Louisiana Herding dog. My grandfather called them Louisiana hog dogs. They herd pigs in case you didn't pick up on that. =) He isn't that little anymore seeing as he's almost 25 pounds, but he thinks he is still the little 9 pound puppy we got from the shelter. 
My little Weenie, Charlie. Isn't he the CUTEST?!

Just about a month before we celebrated our three year anniversary, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world. We named her Eleanor Reece. Let me tell you, the love that I have for her is like no other. It was so weird thinking of myself as a mother at first, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way. She is the most precious little gift that I ever received. From the time she came about, to the time she made her grand entrance was not ideal, but I will tell you more about that later (I have so much to write about! AAHH!) 

 Here is a maternity photo. Im going to build some anticipation of y'all meeting Eleanor =)

Now on to me. I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, But I am 23 now and live in Virginia Beach, VA which is where the Hubs is stationed. I am a southern girl, so living in Virginia is not the most ideal situation, but I can deal. I never even saw snow until I moved here. BBRR! God knows my heart though, and He will eventually lead me back to my roots where the sand is white, the water is clear, and I can wear flip flops all year long. want to know a few random things about muah? Here you go!
There have been a few occasions where I don't match my clothes. Go ahead, judge me. Lots of people do. 
I love, love, love cheese.
Giraffes are my favorite animal.
I love to sew.
I like anything with anchors on them.
I can’t stand fake people (but who can, right?)
Some people in my family (Hint: it’s my sister) think I have OCD. I just like things a certain way.
I may have an unhealthy addiction to online yard sale sites. Yikes! 
Selfie Time! Yeah, that's a beauty and the beast phone case. I heart Disney! 

I have so much more I want to share. However, I don't want to overload everyone with a million stories at a time. I will also be sharing some tutorials on fun and sometimes crazy sewing projects I become intrigued with, and maybe even some food posts. Because, you know, I love food. 
Tata for now!